Our doctors have higher specialist training in dermatology and skin microscopy and regularly screen and treat patients for a range of skin problems, including skin cancer, psoriasis, eczema, severe acne and difficult to treat warts.
We run dedicated clinics twice weekly where patients are provided with a double appointment in order to fully explore
their problem and provide full body screening for skin cancer and any other issues.
Edenpark Medical is an affiliated clinic of Community Surgery Ireland, a network of doctors performing skin surgery in primary care. We use our purpose built procedure room for skin biopsies, removal of cysts, skin tags, or lumps or bumps on the skin you might be concerned about, cosmetic or otherwise.
We have considerable experience in the treatment of acne, and where required will offer advanced oral treatment for severe cases which are not responding to topical treatments or antibiotics.
Dr O’Connell (left) and Dr Wheeler (right)
Our Doctors
Dr David O’Connell MICGP
Diploma in Practical Dermatology (Cardiff)
Dr David trained at Trinity College and the Royal College of Surgeons, and holds a higher diploma in dermatology from the University of Cardiff, as well as certificates in skin microscopy from the University of Graz, Austria and Healthcert, Australia.
He is a former committee member of the Primary Care Surgical Association and a member of the Primary Care Dermatological Society of Ireland. He runs a weekly dermatology clinic at Edenpark Medical for medical dermatology and surgical procedures, and has a particular interest in skin cancer and acne.
Dr Mark Wheeler FRCGP MICGP
Diploma in Practical Dermatology (Cardiff)
Dr Mark Wheeler qualified in London in 1987 and completed his specialist GP training in the UK, Ireland & Australia. In 1997 he established Edenpark Surgery in Raheny, Dublin 5.
He is Member of Irish College of General Practitioners and was elected Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners in 2019. He is a member of the Primary Care Dermatological Society of Ireland and the Primary Care Surgical Association and is an Associate Member of the Irish Association of Dermatologists. He previously served on the Board of the Irish Skin Foundation
Though first and foremost a GP he has always had a keen interest in diseases of the skin since working in dermatology at Hume Street Skin Hospital in Dublin. He holds weekly skin clinics at Edenpark Medical and works in the Department of Dermatology in Beaumont Hospital both in out-patients and performing skin surgery.
Together with the NGO Standing Voice he established a Skin Cancer Prevention and treatment Program for people with Albinism in Malawi. He remains as medical adviser to the NGO and travels out regularly to Malawi.

Common Skin Problems
Many people think that nothing can be done for many skin problems. People suffer on in silence without seeking help. Most common skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis are eminently treatable.
Please make an appointment to see Dr O'Connell or Dr Wheeler.
Your first appointment will involve a full body skin check and is a double appointment.
Further information on common skin problems can be found on the Irish Skin Foundation website https://irishskin.ie/

Cyro/Minor Surgery
Warts and verrucas are harmless and do not have to be treated as they usually disappear. However if they become painful and unsightly then treatment with Cryotherapy, freezing with liquid nitrogen, can be offered.
We also offer minor surgery to treat certain lumps and bumps and cysts.
Surgical procedures are usually covered by the private health insurance companies and the HSE in the case of medical card patients.
However, neither pay for the surgical equipment used or the local anaesthetic and nurse time. So for this reason we charge a facility fee for all surgical procedures.

Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer is in the news frequently these days and quite rightly since it is on the increase.
If you have a new or changing mole or a 'sore' on your skin which crusts but does not heal then make an appointment for one of the Skin Clinics.
You will be given a full body skin check on your first appointment and any suspicious areas examined using a dermoscope (skin microscope).
Biopsy or removal of lesions can usually be undertaken on site saving unnecessary trips to hospital. Advice on skin cancer prevention and early detection will be given. It is now possible to treat the sun damage and early stages of skin cancer with special creams, sometimes avoiding the need for surgery.